If you are like most college students, you are probably having trouble making ends meet. The price of tuition, books and board have almost depleted your income and you are facing yet another semester eating one meal a day. You are not alone but there are things you can do to put some money back into your pocket. Below are 5 easy and creative ways for you to generate some extra income while in school.
1. Learn to Blog – If you are one of those people that have a knack for writing or maybe you write for the college newspaper, online blogging may be a great way for you to turn your words into cash. Many companies are hiring freelance writers to generate articles, advertisements or any other business related material they may not have the resources to generate themselves. To be able to compete in this market you will need relatively good writing skills and some basic knowledge of blogging software. A quick Google search can turn up hundreds of companies looking for people to write for them.
2. Have a garage sale – Your dad has been bugging you to clean out the garage since before you left for college. Now is the time to surprise him next time you are home on vacation. Items like your old bicycle and sled are just collecting dust. Why not clear out some of this stuff and have a garage sale?
Make sure you get the word out. The best method to advertise your sale is to place flyers around your neighborhood. Make sure that your flyers are easy to read and use a bright colored paper to draw in attention. If you are having a yard sale, make sure you check the weather conditions for the day of the sale.
3. Become a Photographer –Do you like to take pictures as hobby? Are you enrolled in a photography class this semester? Selling your photography can generate some extra income. Advertising companies, PR firms, entertainment companies, etc. are always in need of stock photos. If you are not sure where to start, do an online search for companies looking for photographers.
Richard Wong is a freelance photographer in California.
“I live in Southern California and have spent a lot of time photographing scenic locations in my area as if they were the Yosemite Valley Overlook. As a result, I have generated a healthy revenue stream from shoots that have cost me little in the way of travel costs.”
Here’s a tip: focus more on shots of people and figures. The market is saturated with landscape images.
4. Become an Artist – Do you like to paint or draw? Maybe you do sculptures for friends or you are an actual Art major. If you think other people would pay money to own your work? Maybe it’s time show your art publicly.
Art galleries usually charge a fee to show your work but some smaller places may allow you to show your work free for a limited time. Your college may offer an art showing for student artists and faculty. It is also a good idea to show your work in one gallery for a few days then move it to another. Ebay is also a great place to sell, considering people from all over the world will see your masterpiece.
5. Sell on Ebay – There is so much truth to the saying “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” People on Ebay will buy almost anything and no matter how horrid you think that Velvet Elvis you won in Panama Beach looks, someone out there wants it.
A quick look into your parent’s attic can turn up all sorts of little trinkets that you can transform into fast money. Articles like clothing, books, you dad’s old golf clubs and VHS tapes can easily be sold on Ebay. Items including old coins, inexpensive souvenirs or old work out equipment are also good ideas.
Just about any item you can part with will eventually catch the attention of someone who cannot live without it. Even items as ridiculous as a chicken finger in the shape of a chocolate Easter Bunny have sold on Ebay, and some odd items have sold for a hefty price.
Helpful Tip: Make sure that the buyer agrees to pay for shipping on each item you sell.
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